I been modeling since 2007 my first magazine was Smooth , since then I been featured in many publications I would like to become a house hold name. I am taking modeling very seriously now I started and stopped so many times for many reasons like boyfriends, wrong managers, the haters. Modeling isn't easy it's not just about taking pictures some days you just want to say fuck it this is shit is for the birds. The advise I can give to the upcoming models take your time and you don't have to do anything you don't feel comfortable doing.
I am a very straight forward woman and I say what I feel, but lately I been hearing people are upset with me. People I thought were business companions of mine are like fuck Mesha. This is the thing I have a publicist but I generally managed myself. Because I am a female and sometimes people try to pull wools over my head. and I won't stand for that. You wouldn't catch me secretly mad at you if I feel some type of way I will tell you because it would eat me up inside. It's a shame people are bitches and can't say "this is what I am upset about". There is time to time I will cut people off but that's when I feel they are hazardous to my health word up and you know who your are lol
If you ever met me in person you know I am sweet, silly and very friendly,
I actually think Mesha after reading this and some of the other posts on your blog I am getting to know more about you and feel comfortable about saying as people we tend to judge books by the cover first instead of reading the story. It's been our tendency to do so but then sometimes to realize we jump to conclusion to early.
RispondiEliminaI am trying to break myself out of that mentality and its hard but, keep up doing what your doing hopefully this blog reaches your distractors and haters and putting them on notice that you know they are there and your happy that your on the tips of their tongues. For those of us becoming new friends having an inside look allows us to know your real. For those forgotten friends hopefully this blog will give them an opportunity to come clean.